Do you find yourself getting distracted when trying to numb your mind? Read on...
Years ago a friend and I were going door to door (not an easy thing for me) and ended up in a very peculiar house. The resident told us about an invention he was working on and brought us to a room which housed the said innovation. He opened the door and we beheld a room full of gadgets and wires, connected with doodads and whatimazoots of all kinds. It reminded me of the kind of thing that used to be common in 80's movies, where gears, conveyors and ropes connected to household gadgets would go through a huge process to produce a piece of toast or feed the dog. I'm not sure what this particular thing actual did, as the door was quickly closed, perhaps to keep us from stealing the idea.
Now to the subject of the post title. I noticed that there was a round, black sticker directly in the middle of his television set- I'm guessing it was about the size of a nickel. When asked what that was for, he replied that it was so he wouldn't be distracted while watching TV! True story.
So the obvious question is, why don't TV sets come with this feature as a default? Also, why isn't there a pizza-sized black dot in the middle of the screen at the movie theaters-- what if we get distracted by a thought not related to the movie? Why don't kids wear horse blinders when they play video games? Otherwise they might catch a glimpse of a family member in their peripherals! Why don't cell phones alert their owner when they haven't sent a text message in the last 10 minutes-- what if they become aware of the friends they're actually with !?!
Thought of your own idea like the ones above? Leave it in a comment below this post!
I usually have thought like this about actvities you SHOULD be paying more attention to; the driver seat in your car that pokes you when it senses you not paying attention, the baby mobile that calls social services when its onboard crack-sensor goes off.
Nice blog topic today! Its good to get everyone to think! Its funny I saw some highschool age kids walking down the sidewalk they all had there Ipods and they were trying to talk to eachother. One of the boys took off his ear phone and said " what did you say" the other kid couldn't hear as well. Then off with his head phones. Wow know they could talk to each other. -pretty funny
yes we are fast becoming a very unsocial society. fun post thanks
Very thought-provoking post. I'm always thinkig of stuff like this when I run into things that are poorly designed and I think they should still be in research and development.
At the price they charge for cell phone bills one would think that they wouldn't cut off in the middle of a conversation (or God-forbid one should cut off in an emergency on the highway when you have to call 911)! And who came up with paying by the minute for local calls!? That's for the birds!
I remember hearing about an artist that put a white dot in the center of his painting..he claimed it would draw the eye to the picture..Isn't that interesting? The black dot and the white dot..interesting..
Interesting post! I see people watching TV and listening to their Ipods at the same time.
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