I've been featured in one of Utah's two major papers "The Deseret News" as part of an article about Utah based sellers Etsy. They even featured three pictures of me working in my studio. You can see two of them and read the article at http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705268568,00.html
Its a positive article, although they did mislabel a picture of a frog as being mine (friends from High School might laugh at such a mistake).
(Image courtesy Stuart Johnson, Deseret News)
^.^ hello! I was going through someone elses blog when I stumbled on yours.
so Hello! and I love your art!
I read the article on Deseret News!! Great promotion!! Amazing that 95 percent of people on your site are women!
I'm one of them!
Congratulations on being featured in the papers!
I'm so delighted to find out you have a blog! I love your work.
Happy new year!
Thanks everyone for dropping by and leaving a comment. :-)
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