Friday, September 12, 2008

My Thoughts as Pressed Flowers

When I have ideas for a new piece of art or a bit of music I'll often write them down on tiny papers which end up going through the wash or getting pressed like flowers in crisp pages of unread books. One such idea for a screen print was written down a few years back and has finally seen fruition on a T-shirt. The idea is that of a scene consisting of a lot of "potential energy"- where a lot of chaotic movement is possibly about to happen. The shirt is, of course, for sale here:


Rosebud Collection said...

What a nice looking shirt and very clever design..

T.Allen said...

Very nice design...I think I hearted your work before!

Aroma Fields said...

Very unique!

melissa said...

I love the new design, your work is very cool. Hummm Christmas presents???

LaurieW said...

Nice. Makes me want to snap together some scissors of my own...but not over telephone wires :)

Like you and your papers filled with art, I've always got story ideas scattered all over the house.

Our poor spouses.